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Media Future Week | July 27, 2024

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Martijn de Waal

Research is his number one hobby!

9 maart 2015

Martijn de Waal returns to MFW ’15! His presentation about media features in city’s at MFW ’13 kept us thinking. ‘Designing for Society’ and his expertise are the perfect match. Since the beginning of the 90s Martijn de Waal follows … Read More

Tweet by (Almere Smart Society)

15 mei 2013

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Future Tuesday

14 mei 2013

Tuesday, the second day of Media Future Week has almost come to an end. Today we have focussed on future perspectives. First of all, Scott Smith (Changeist) inspired us with his talk about future(s), how to be critical at futures … Read More

Tweet by (Raymond Versteegh)

14 mei 2013

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Tweet by (Raymond Versteegh)

14 mei 2013

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