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Media Future Week | February 14, 2025

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We started off great! All participants are in, the crew has being introduced, the alderman of Hilversum, Wimar Jaeger, streamed his speech together with all 120 participants, and the sun is out to motivate us all.


Genevieve Bell | Vice President Intel Corporation


Beeld & Geluid, MFW Participants are arriving


Alderman, Wimar Jaeger, streams his speech with all participants





Genevieve Bell

The first keynote speaker to inspire us was Genevieve Bell, Vice President of Intel, raised in Australia in an Aboriginal community. She told us about how she got her job at Intel and her mom’s advice ‘If you see a better world, you’re morally obliged to make in happen’. Innovation is a way to tell stories about the future, Genevieve explained, and you have to consider the things that makes us human (stable + in flux). What an amazing speech it was! You can watch it here on vimeo.

Day one continues

This afternoon everybody met their teammates, casepartner and facilitator. After the casebriefing it was time for a Media Park Safari. On their way to the media companies the teams encountered several interactive installations. NOS, VPRO, BNNVARA, United, DutchView, Infostrada and Beeld & Geluid showed the teams around, gave presentations and discussed the theme Designing for Society.

After a good diner in Beeld en Geluid it was time for our evening program. Two Dutch entrepreneurs (Yosef Safi Harb and Marcel Schouwenaars) told us inspiring stories about new technologies like the Internet of Things and the use of biofeedback in games. Nothing is impossible, but you have to be conscious that you have an impact as a designer.

You can find all photo’s of Day 1 in this Flickr Album.

MFW Vlogs (NL)


