Why don’t we take the schoolbus? #MFW13 #team9 by zirotto
15 mei 2013via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/ZUqXH-i4w4/
#MFW13 #team9 tangible social media by zirotto
14 mei 2013via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/ZSzZ-KC41i/
#MFW13 #team9 getting ready to present! by zirotto
13 mei 2013via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/ZQ0Rd0C4zX/
#MFW13 #team9 finishing up the first Co creation session and getting ready for the keynotes :D! by zirotto
13 mei 2013via Instagram http://instagram.com/p/ZQVRGhC4-u/