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Media Future Week | July 27, 2024

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Posts By wpadmin

4 tips to kick start your media career

25 juli 2017

Are you enjoying summer,finishing your master thesis or taking the first steps towards a new career? Summer is a time for relaxing, reflection and preparation for a new year. Media Future Week has 4 tips for you to kick start … Read More

Aftermovie: this was Media Future Week 2017!

19 mei 2017

Media Future Week 2017 has come to an end… What a week it was! Great teamwork, amazing co-creation sessions, workshops, coaching, inspiring international keynotes, a dynamic MFW Café and most of all: a lot of fun and new experiences! We … Read More

Recap final day: day 4

18 mei 2017

Today we finished our four day trip into the future. We let the lid of the pressure cooker and see what how it turned out. Well we can say it worked! We’ve got smiles on the faces of the case … Read More

Jochem van den Berg – Satire in hyperbolic times

18 mei 2017

Jochem van den Berg is founder of De Speld. De Speld is a satiric online newsmagazine. In essence this mediums’ news items aren’t true but are written as if they could be. Lots of people, mostly on social media, think … Read More