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Media Future Week | July 27, 2024

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7x connected activism according to Lucas de Man

18 april 2016

Lucas de Man is a creator, he makes projects and doesn’t compromise in content or form. He, for example, puts elderly women on top of bus stops to show the world how lonely they are. Monday April 18th, he opened … Read More

Lucas de Man opens Media Future Week 2016: ‘I don’t know, so I am’

18 april 2016

This morning at 10.00AM Media Future Week 2016 started! Lucas de Man, director, actor, and concept developer, gave the first keynote speech. His inspiring speech urged participants to take action to create their own world, to tell the stories they … Read More

Vice President of Intel joins MFW15

26 maart 2015

We are proud to bring it out… Genevieve Bell is joining us as keynote speaker at Media Future Week 2015.

Genevieve Bell is vice president and Intel Fellow in the Corporate Strategy Office of Intel Corporation. An accomplished anthropologist and researcher, Bell joined … Read More

Strategic Designer Scott Smith returns for MFW15!

27 februari 2015

We are proud to present one of the first keynote speakers of MFW15: Scott Smith! Scott is the founder of Changeist, a lab, research tank and studio created to identify and make sense of weak signals of change. His work is built … Read More

Wilbert Mutsaers (3FM) tells us everything about 3FM Serious Request

14 mei 2014

3FM’s Wilbert Mutsaers is the closing keynote speaker of MFW14! Before the final presentations, he is going to tell us everything about 3FM’s biggest event: Serious Request. A very interesting project in the light of MFW’s central theme Media Responsibility. … Read More