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Media Future Week | July 27, 2024

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Recap final day: day 4

18 mei 2017

Today we finished our four day trip into the future. We let the lid of the pressure cooker and see what how it turned out. Well we can say it worked! We’ve got smiles on the faces of the case … Read More

This was day 3 at MFW17

17 mei 2017

Day three! With an explosive end of day two with a dragon’s den and a barbeque, day three is already here. The sun is shining high once more (which is exceptional in Holland) and the participants are tired but happy.

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Dayreport day 2

17 mei 2017


After a hard day of work yesterday, the students went to the hotel for a good night sleep. Waking up, there was breakfast ready for them with a cup of coffee for on the road. Entering the busy traffic … Read More

Take a look at day 1

16 mei 2017

If you couldn’t attend the first day of MFW17 or just want to experience the day all over again: here’s the video of day one. Enjoy!


MFW 2017 – DAY 1 from iMMovator on Vimeo.

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