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Media Future Week | February 7, 2025

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Monday: Tech Speakers

Monday: Tech Speakers


Mondayafternoon, three Tech Speakers will inspire the MFW participants with great stories about their latest products and ideas. Architect Janjaap Ruijsesenaar presents his latest project on 3D printing: the Landscape House. Joost Plattel will tell you more about the Quantified Self: using self-tracking data to improve daily functioning. And Marc Koetse presents his work in the field of flexible and printable electronics. These electronics allow a whole new range of products and applications you can’t imagine! More about these speakers:

janjaap Janjaap Ruijssenaars, Architect

Architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars of Universe Architecture wants to print a house with a giantic 3D printer. The agency already received publicity, and is widely known by their innovative floating bed (based on magnetism).


marcMarc Koetse, Printed electronics

Marc Koetse of Holst Centre is a specialist in the field of flexible and printable electronics. Holst Centre is an independent open-innovation R&D centre that develops generic technologies for Wireless Autonomous Sensor Technologies and Flexible Electronics. A key feature of Holst Centre is its partnership model with industry and academia based around shared roadmaps and programs. It is this kind of cross-fertilization that enables Holst Centre to tune its scientific strategy to industrial needs.

joostJoost Platel, data Strategist
For over four years Joost Plattel collects data about himself. How he sleeps, what he eats, how he moves, but also data from blood analyses or his OV chipcard usage. The goal is to live conscious and healthier. Four years ago Quantified Self started in San Francisco by two journalists from Wired magazine. Plattel was the first Dutchman to embrace the ideas.