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Media Future Week | March 7, 2025

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Scott Smith

Wednesday 20th April / 09:00 – 09:50
Changeist keynote

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Founder and principal at ChangeistLinkedin Scott Smith

Scott Smith is the founder of Changeist, where he leads strategy, research and design activities. His work is built on over 20 years’ experience tracking social, cultural, technological and economic trends, and combines grounded research with narrative design to explore the unanticipated.

Before founding Changeist, Scott served as director of research applications at Social Technologies, a futures and innovation consultancy. While there, he developed new practice methods in foresight, and lead visioning around consumer behavior and emerging technologies. Prior to this, he spent a decade leading start-up research and consulting teams for international technology research firms in New York City, Washington, DC, and London. He has mapped possible futures for public- and private-sector strategy, design and R&D teams worldwide, including UNICEF, Nokia, Ford, Barilla and Proctor & Gamble