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Media Future Week | May 7, 2024

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MFW14 is all about Media responsibility

MFW14 is all about Media responsibility

The main theme of the MFW is Media responsibility. The media landscape is changing rapidly. Platforms to produce, share and consume media are available to everyone. Data is flowing from audience to media organisations and from news events to the audience. Media is no longer consumed on set times, but throughout the day on a variety of platforms. Our experiences are shared not just with friends and family but with the world. More and more objects will be sharing their information as well. Users, data, software, and environments communicate and collaborate in new and complex ways.

Every year, the Media Future Week introduces the best students from up to ten different media schools to the transformation that our world is undergoing: the ways in which technological innovations are fundame ntally altering our interactions with information.

The Media Future Week will introduce students to the various interactions we see on the horizon, explain how those necessitate implementations for content beyond simple consumption, and will offer techniques for designing interfaces and systems to create compelling experiences for our users in the near future. But that is not all.

With every vista, every view of the future, students will be challenged to answer the following questions: what is the responsibility of the media professional? What is the role of media organisations? Of media consumers? Of society? What choices do we make when we produce and share information?