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Media Future Week | February 8, 2025

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2014 Speakers


All lectures have been recorded and can be viewed via Vimeo:

Keynote speakers

-V1jkBevScott Smith
Scott Smith is the founder of Changeista lab, research tank and studio created to identify and make sense of weak signals of change. His work is built over 20 years of experience in tracking social, cultural, technological and economic trends, and helping organizations navigate complex futures. Read more

Click here to see his presentation
Click here to see his video


bradley thumnailBrad Templeton
Brad Templeton is developer and commentator on Google self driving cars. Brad is also board member of the Electornic Frontier Foundation, internet entrepreneur, futurist lecturer and writer and observer of cybperspace issues. During MFW Brad will talk about the new possibilities generated by laser radar. Read more

Click here to see his video about privacy
Click here to see his video about driverless cars
Click here to see his presentation (Prezi) about driverless cars


3e91c73Seth Shaprio
Seth Shapiro is a two-time Emmy Award winner and a leading voice in digital media. His work includes major projects in TV, multiplatform, online and music with Disney, Comcast, DIRECTV, Intel, IPG, Showtime, Verizon, Universal, Goldman Sachs and a range of new ventures. Shapiro is a Governor at the Academy of Television of Arts & Sciences and an Adjunct Professor at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. Seth will present an overview of developments in the broadcasting industry, and the resulting changes in business models.  Read more

Click here to see his video


Monday Tech Speakers

Daphne Channa HornDaphne Channa Horn
Daphne Channa Horn is an independent documentary photographer based in Amsterdam. She brings photos from the frontline of the world with the support of crowdfunding. Daphne is the first Dutch Mobile reporter in the Google Glass Explorer program, an early adopter program available for developers and consumers to test Google Glass

Click here to see her presentation
Click here to see her video




7uwtpskvegrocpu03ttaMaarten den Braber
Maarten den Braber, freelance strategic advisor on health+ tech and co-founder of QSgear. Braber helps organizations innovate with Digital Health technologies, by helping them to understand and apply emerging technologies. He is also co-organizer of the European edition of the global Quantified Self conference and co-founder of Quantified Self Amsterdam. How will all this new data be used and misused in future?

Click here to see his presentation
Click here to see his video



remco-bronRemco Bron
Remco Bron is an internet entrepreneur, speaker and co-founder of Innovader. He works for clients such as KPN, ANWB, NOS, Vodafone, Sony, LeasePlan, Reed Business, Department of Defense, and Rabobank. Nowadays Innovader focuses to develop innovative concepts around Ibeacon. This technology works with location-aware, context-aware, pervasive small wireless sensor beacons that can for example pinpoint users’ location in a store and send notifications of items nearby to customers’ phones.

Click here to see his presentation
Click here to see his video



Tuesday Media Responsibility

Eric SmitEric Smit
Eric Smit (Nijmegen, 1967) is co-founder and chief editor of the platform for investigative journalism Follow the Money ( He studied economics at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and played professional squash until 1998. In 1999 he started his career as a journalist at business glossy Quote, where he became deputy chief editor. In 2006 he was a part of the team that founded the free newspaper De Pers. Follow the Money is a platform for investigative journalism in the Netherlands. Investigative journalism is a form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a topic, and a investigative journalist may spend months of years researching and preparing a report. With editorial budgets dwindling, new ways of financing this type of journalism are needed. Eric Smit will talk about media’s responsibility as a watch dog, and how this role can be carried out in the future.

Click here to see his presentation
Click here to see his video

Cases: Music & Sports

381277-danny-menkenDanny Menken
Danny Menken started his career working in FMCG, Telecom, and Media at several companies. He made the move to the sports industry when he became Managing Director at Eurosport. At Eurosport he realised a growth and expansion of Eurosport’s business in the Benelux, United Kingdom, Ireland and Central and Eastern Europe. As Chief Executive Officer at Infostrada Sports Danny is in charge of the company worldwide and has the task to bring all aspects of the company to the next level. Infostrada Sports offers innovative and unique services to the sports industry – the company produces, distributes and monetises sports data and video content across multiple platforms. What is the business of sports data?

Click here to see his presentation
Click here to see his video


Eveline vd SteenEveline van der Steen
Eveline van der Steen has just started her own company Manifest Inc this year, which focusses on providing consultancy to the Online Music Industry. Until recently she was the head of social media at Dutch record label Armada Music (Armada Music was founded in 2003 by Armin van Buuren, Maykel Piron and David Lewis, of which the first 2 letters of their names form nothing less than ‘Armada’)

She has worked for the label for the last 6 years and was responsible for the online presence since the beginning for both the label as the artists. Last year she created the Academy Of Electronic Music, the first fully online academy with partners Armada Music, Google+, DJMAG and Point Blank and has just won a Webby Award for this project. She has now just returned from New Zealand, where she has worked for the last 3 months on integrating the online opportunities in the NZ Music Industry.

One of the key factors in the success has been the social media strategy. What lessons can the media industry learn from this?

Click here to see her video

Thursday: 3FM Serious Request

wilbert 33FM’s Wilbert Mutsaers is the closing keynote speaker of MFW14! Before the final presentations, he is going to tell us everything about 3FM’s biggest event: Serious Request. A very interesting project in the light of MFW’s central theme Media Responsibility. As station manager of 3FM, Wilbert will tell you about the preparations (that have already started for 3FM Serious Request 2014), the social media explosion during the event and the impact it has on 3FM and also on society.

Click here to see his video

Do you want to know more about these speakers? Check out their Twitter accounts!