Interesting reading material
Before Media Future Week 2017 begins you can already learn more about this year’s theme.
These are some interesting links about post-truth media which you can take a look at.
The Guardian: Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he is ‘bad for America’
The Times: Germany slams ‘intimidating’ £300bn White House bill
Nieuwsuur: Alternative facts ‘to make people think’
New Yorker: Why facts don’t change our minds
Now this news: ICYMI over the weekend: The Trump team is now calling provable lies ‘alternative facts‘
Bloomberg: A Digital Fact-Checker Fights Fake News
Svdj: Google Fact Check wereldwijd beschikbaar voor nieuws en zoeken
Svdj: Alle journalistieke en innovatieve begrippen op een rij
If you want to know more about some of our keynote speakers you can take a look at their bio in the ‘speakers’ page.